Poser Pro 11

New Features of Poser 11 & Poser Pro 11

NEW! SuperFly – Physically Based Rendering

Built on Blender’s Cycles Render Engine, SuperFly brings the power of physically based shading and rendering to Poser. Accurately rendering light the way it behaves in the real world makes it easier to produce hyper-realistic renders. Existing Poser users can choose to use the same familiar materials as for FireFly, or take full advantage of the SuperFly material system, by building Cycles or physically based shaders. GPU assisted rendering is supported via Nvidia CUDA (Poser Pro version only). For faster renders, users will be able to harness the power of their Nvidia GPU(s) when using the SuperFly renderer.

Superfly - Physically Based Rendering

Superfly – Physically Based Rendering

NEW! Improvements to Realtime Comic Book preview

Control all your comic mode settings with one easy-to-access panel. New Geometric Edge Lines automatically produce a geometry-based outline around figures which make amazing “ink” lines in OpenGL preview. The width of the geometric outlines for each material can be adjusted with settings in the Material room. You can create different “ink” weights for different parts of your figures and even set the outlines’ width to be controlled by key frames in your animation. This allows dynamic adjustment of “ink” weight in an animation. Check out the comic book display features!

Improvements to Realtime Comic Book preview

Improvements to Realtime Comic Book preview

NEW! Actor Selection History

This works like the history in your web browser, allowing you to keep track of recently accessed objects with back and forward buttons. You can see the whole history by right clicking the history buttons, and hot keys can be assigned to the previous and next actor (just like a web browser). This makes it easier to navigate through the actors in a scene while posing, and you always have a list of recently-modified parameters at your fingertips.

Actor Selection History

Actor Selection History

NEW! Custom Parameter Palettes

Add frequently accessed parameter dials to custom palettes so you always have those dials at you finger tips without selecting different actors or lists. The palettes are saved with figures, props and scenes upon request.

Custom Parameter Palettes

Custom Parameter Palettes

NEW! Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

This highly-requested feature allows you to customize Poser’s hot keys. Assign preferred keys to frequently performed tasks and map menu commands to the hot keys that you choose. You can also match the hot keys between Poser and your other programs so there’s nothing new to memorize.

Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

NEW! Smooth Translation of Joints

This new rigging feature allows for smooth, weight mapped linear translation of body parts for smooth translations and a whole new dimension of control to figure rigging.

Smooth Translation of Joints

Smooth Translation of Joints

NEW! Adaptive Rigging using Morph Dependent Joint Centers (Creation is PRO)

Automatically set a figure’s joint center to match a drastic morph and automatically create the needed dependencies. Match clothes with one simple check box. Extreme morphs sometimes need the rotation centers for joints to be moved to accommodate the morphed shape, and this new tool automatically sets up the rig to match the morphed shape.

Adaptive Rigging using Morph Dependent Joint Centers

Adaptive Rigging using Morph Dependent Joint Centers

NEW! Animated Orientations

When a morph gets really wild, sometimes even the orientation of a joint needs to change, meaning which direction it moves when you twist or bend it. Now you can control a joint’s orientation by a morph.

NEW! New Female Figure

Poser 11 and Poser Pro 11 include a brand new, never before seen Poser figure: Pauline. This figure will be the standard in content creation for Poser 11 and is included FREE with the application.

NEW! Export a Partial Scene (Pro only)

When working on complex scenes, sometimes you need to separate parts out for distribution. This feature allows you to choose exactly which figures, props, lights, and cameras are included, and you can easily merge the scenes later on.

Export a Partial Scene

Export a Partial Scene

NEW! Export a Morph Injection (Pro only)

Content creators will find it handy to save a morph injection file right from the export menu. This tool creates a distributable morph injection file in a few clicks.

NEW! Area Lights

Simulates real world light sources more accurately, much like a photographer’s “Soft box” light. In the real world, lights are seldom a single point, so with adjustable-size lights, you can easily create realistic lighting conditions with soft shadows.

Area Lights

Area Lights

NEW! Caustics

Simulates the way light reflects and refracts in a realistic way so you can accurately reproduce the behavior of light on refractive and reflective surfaces, like lenses focusing light and water creating ripples of light.



NEW! Volumetric Materials

Materials that transmit light can also produce volumetric effects which can simulate absorption and diffusion. This feature simulates the way light behaves inside a transparent object, like light picking up color in stained glass or being diffused in fog or smoke.

Volumetric Materials

Volumetric Materials

NEW! Measurements & Text Props (Creation PRO, Playback STD)

This allows you to create precise measurements in a Poser scene that are highly useful for forensics and recreating real world scenes. With a few clicks, you can create measurements that respond to the actors in the scene. As you move objects in the scene, the measurements update in real time.

Measurements & Text Props

Measurements & Text Props

NEW! High Density Display Support

This is a user-adjustable interface scale setting that resizes the entire user interface. If you have a high DPI monitor, you can scale up the interface. If you have a small monitor, you can scale it down to maximize screen real estate. It’s also useful for accessibility because the UI can be scaled up for easier reading. The addition of UI scaling makes Poser much easier to use on high DPI displays and allows easier accessibility for users with limited vision.

High Density Display Support

High Density Display Support

And there’s more!

NEW! Improved Scene Manipulation Performance

Figure posing speed will be faster across the board, and scenes with lots of figures will be more responsive when posing figures.

NEW! Revamped Direct Manipulation Tool

A broader ribbon style and depth cueing make the new direct manipulation tool easier to use.

Revamped Direct Manipulation Tool

Revamped Direct Manipulation Tool

NEW! Auto-Save

Auto-save saves your bacon. Customize the time between saves and how long a period of inactivity passes before it triggers.



NEW! Master Synchronized Morph Dials

Full Body Morphs can be controlled directly from any affected body part, and dials can be un-linked for individual control of morphs comprised of many smaller parts. The Master Synchronized Morph Dials feature allows you to control all the constituent parts from any part, not just the master dial.

Master Synchronized Morph Dials

Master Synchronized Morph Dials

NEW! Subdivision-level morph targets (Creating morphs PRO)

Subdivision-level morph targets (Creating morphs PRO) – In Poser Pro, you can create high-resolution morphs right on the subdivided geometry and use the Export Morph Injection command to share them.

Subdivision-level morph targets

Subdivision-level morph targets

NEW! Improved Subdivision Surfaces

More robust handling of poor geometry. By integrating OpenSubdiv 3, support for meshes that were not originally designed for subdivision is enhanced.

NEW! Vertex Weight Painting Constrained to Material Groups

When editing vertex weights and morphs, you can limit the painted area by groups or materials. Sometimes when working with weight maps or creating morphs, you need to limit editing to a certain area, and these options give you more control over how you limit the editing area.

Vertex Weight Painting Constrained to Material Groups

Vertex Weight Painting Constrained to Material Groups

NEW! Figure Symmetry Improvements (Rigging symmetry is PRO)

Separate symmetry for rigging and posing. Symmetry is selectable down to individual body parts, giving you much more precise control over it. In custom mode, you can select anything from one body part to the entire figure to copy.

Figure Symmetry Improvements

Figure Symmetry Improvements

NEW! Control Handles  (Creation of control handles is PRO)

Provides an easy way to give ghost bones a handle that is automatically excluded from renders, making it much easier to work with in the scene. Handles can be parented to any body part and set to control any other part.

Control Handles

Control Handles

NEW! Option to Prepend Morph Targets

Allows users to choose how a morph behaves when the body part it is attached to bends. This feature controls how a morph is created. Some morphs work better if they are processed before the figure is bent. Some work better after. Now you can choose the type you want.

NEW! Value Operator Editor (Value Op tab is PRO)

Gives content developers direct access to all Value Operator dependencies including scalar value. You’ll now do direct creation and naming of new parameter dials. This powerful new method of working with dependencies exposes the full power of Arithmetic Poser Dependencies, and it will be familiar to people who used to hack files to create dependencies.

Value Operator Editor

Value Operator Editor

NEW! Make Movie

Improved encoding preset handling, better support of codec configuration, and new support for “headless” codecs.

Make Movie

Make Movie

NEW! Layered Materials

Create layered materials to simulate the way light interacts in complex surfaces. It’s also great to make a tattoo or a scar.

Layered Materials

Layered Materials

NEW! Improved Library Search

Search your local library as well as partner brokerages for relevant items. Create wish list items you may want later. Tag content so you can build your own custom groups for easier content management. The new library will seamlessly include content from online sources and filter it by your own customizable tags.

Improved Library Search

Improved Library Search

NEW! Absolute Scaling for 3DS, DXF, LWO and OBJ import & export (Same PRO/STD split)

Easier import and export of geometry files because every 3D application has its own scale. Absolute scaling makes it easier to share content between Poser and other applications.

Absolute Scaling

Absolute Scaling

NEW! Alembic Export (PRO)

Point cache format for export allows for faithful reproduction of animated scenes in production pipelines.

NEW! Game Development Features (PRO)

Poser Pro Game Dev features have been added to Poser Pro 11, including game asset creation tools for Figure Combining, Polygon Reduction, Unseen Polygon Removal, FBX import/export and Kinect for Windows® support, all designed to produce size-efficient 3D character assets and scene files for gaming and Unity®.

NEW! Exposed Hidden Options in Dial Properties (PRO)

Enhanced ability to hide/unhide dials makes hidden parameters accessible. Exposed static property. Use the static option to force a single dial to stop animating. Its present value will be used throughout the animation. Simple selection tool. Sometimes you really just need to select something and you don’t want or need to move it. Now you can with simple select.

Exposed Hidden Options in Dial Properties

Exposed Hidden Options in Dial Properties

NEW! Architectural Improvement! Single Installer for Poser 11 & Poser Pro 11

Now there’s a single installation regardless of Poser flavor. Makes upgrading easy, there’s nothing to download.

NEW! Architectural Improvement! 3rd Party Component Updates

Embree 2.4 and OpenSubdiv 3

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